






Let me introduce you to a book I recently finished reading: Western Music of Insanity by Ryosuke Shiina (Professor at Doshisha Women’s University). Though this book had “little repercussions,” according to the author, I have well enjoyed. Some part abundant in technical jargons was difficult but it was an intellectually stimulating, worthwhile read.

The content of this book is an examination of history of Western music from the perspective of “insanity,” which somewhat inflicted composers like Rameau’s Nephew, Schumann and Mahler. And along with their stories the history of Western music is unfolded, sometimes challenging the orthodoxy, like the typical categorization of music into “baroque”, “classical” and “romantic” eras. Mr. Shiina argues that Romanticism in other forms of art such as literature and visual arts emerges during the “classical” era and thus suggests that late Haydn would be romantic, which I thought has a logical ground. What I cannot agree more is that music of the Romantic era is closely associated with passion to a level beyond sanity, and many composers in fact suffered from mental distress, and became outlets of outbursts of collective human id that have long been suppressed by rationality and enlightenment

Often times, in trying to make technical improvements on the instrument I am left with no time to ponder upon the social and historical background of a music composition and its composer. This is not good, because a performance is, in essence, interpretation and any music of the past requires knowledge that is verifiable, either objectively or subjectively. This book dives into search for truth, or the meaning of music, of composers who, to a certain degree, suffered loss of sanity. Challenging both the orthodoxy and the reader’s mind, a recommendable book to anyone interested in the subject!

I must mention my surprise to find the name Shinichi Nakazawa, a prominent figure, a thinker and author who had a significant influence in my early adulthood. I kept distance for a while but am glad to find his name mentioned in the postscript.

Lastly I cannot but show my excitement to see Professor Shiina in my huge upcoming project with Ian Pace, an incredible pianist and scholar from the UK!



バッハの『平均律』に出会ったのもその頃だったが、未だに飽きることが無い。ただ現在の関心はJ. S. バッハが同時代やそれ以前の音楽をどう吸収したかという事。そうした問いに本書は少しばかりのヒントを与えてくれる。





I bought this book in my high school years. At that time I never opened it, for it did not explain how to write a fugue. Now that I’m immersing myself in the historical side of it, it is not a bore any more.

Ever since I first encountered Bach’s fugue, never have I been fed up. The difference is that now my interest lies more in music preceding and influencing J. S.; this is the sort of question this book h will provide a hint for. 

Currently how Western music has developed into such a rationalized system—as significant in its treatment of fixed rhythm and pitch—is my interest. The concept of ‘composition’ and ‘music’ are inseparable because, I think, of this rationalization process.

To give a rationalized representation of natural phenomenon like music is basically to overwhelm and control it. Is this a form of ‘exploitation’ or ‘colonization’ is another argument, but honestly speaking I do feel awkwardness in this very process.

Nevertheless, at the same time, there is something about which I cannot hide my excitement: the beauty of being expressed in its most simple form that is  arithmetic numerals. 

Will I ever discover something novel from this quest?












SNSで見つけたのですが、面白かったです。話手がミシガン大学の講師らしく、最後まで(途中聞き直しながら)聞き終えました。 面白いと感じたのは、キリスト教(聖書)が如何に資本主義に合うにように解釈されるようになったか、つまり「社会主義的」解釈を封印してきた可能性があるということについてです。(無論、マルクスは宗教を「阿片」であるとして批判しており、他側面から資本主義について批判していますが、ここでは「社会主義マルクス」ではない。) キリスト教は原罪を殊更に強調しますが、それも一つの解釈であり、新約の背後にある思想と社会主義の思想は共鳴し合う部分があるのではないかと直感的にですが考えます。 話し手はアメリカにおいて富の再配分などの福祉政策が政府によって忌避される傾向が強いと語っていますが、私は理解できません。「自由」と「社会福祉」は衝突するのでしょうか?それは一体どのような論理に於いて? I found this on Twitter. The interesting point is that Christianity, or Bible, has been interpreted to fit in to the needs of capitalistic society. (Everyone’s capitalist in a country like USA, right?) Thus disabling us to ‘care for others’ we are made to commit to each and every one’s self-interest. Personally, I was also taught that humans are inherently sinful (that they need religion), but the speaker emphasizes other aspects. I’ve been distanced from reading NT but intuitively speaking I also think that (democratic) socialism is compatible with Christianity. When the speaker talks about ‘aversion to social welfare provision by the government’ in the United States, honestly I cannot understand why this is so. There maybe a collision between ‘freedom’ and ‘social welfare’ but is the former more legitimate according to the Scriptures? If that is so, on what basis? https://beerchristianity.libsyn.com/episode-90-socialism-qampa-with-matt-mcmanus

SNSで見つけたのですが、面白かったです。話手がミシガン大学の講師らしく、最後まで(途中聞き直しながら)聞き終えました。 面白いと感じたのは、キリスト教(聖書)が如何に資本主義に合うにように解釈されるようになったか、つまり「社会主義的」解釈を封印してきた可能性があるということについてです。(無論、マルクスは宗教を「阿片」であるとして批判しており、他側面から資本主義について批判していますが、ここでは「社会主義マルクス」ではない。) キリスト教は原罪を殊更に強調しますが、それも一つの解釈であり、新約の背後にある思想と社会主義の思想は共鳴し合う部分があるのではないかと直感的にですが考えます。 話し手はアメリカにおいて富の再配分などの福祉政策が政府によって忌避される傾向が強いと語っていますが、私は理解できません。「自由」と「社会福祉」は衝突するのでしょうか?それは一体どのような論理に於いて? I found this on Twitter. The interesting point is that Christianity, or Bible, has been interpreted to fit in to the needs of capitalistic society. (Everyone’s capitalist in a country like USA, right?) Thus disabling us to ‘care for others’ we are made to commit to each and every one’s self-interest. Personally, I was also taught that humans are inherently sinful (that they need religion), but the speaker emphasizes other aspects. I’ve been distanced from reading NT but intuitively speaking I also think that (democratic) socialism is compatible with Christianity. When the speaker talks about ‘aversion to social welfare provision by the government’ in the United States, honestly I cannot understand why this is so. There maybe a collision between ‘freedom’ and ‘social welfare’ but is the former more legitimate according to the Scriptures? If that is so, on what basis? https://beerchristianity.libsyn.com/episode-90-socialism-qampa-with-matt-mcmanus


先週、英国への旅(ベトナム経由)を終え帰国しました。弾丸な部分もありましたが、長い休暇でもありました。ピアニスト/音楽者のイアン・ペイスさんや友人の好意で紹介してもらったピアニスト座安里佳先生を訪問出来た事は旅のハイライトでしたが、その他にも妻の友人や僕のアメリカ時代の友人にも出会え充実した旅でした。 個人的には2歳の子供が全然動じず、飛行機でも電車でも愛嬌を振り撒きに行くのを食い止めるのに必死で彼の性格には度肝を抜かされました。また訪れた土地ではヨークが素晴らしかった。イギリス人の紳士的な精神的土壌やチャリティーショップが多くあったのも良かったです。特にロンドンでは物価が高くしかも円安なので大変でしたが...


 半分は英語の勉強にと思って視聴しました。藤倉大さんは勿論イギリス在住の世界的な作曲家として素晴らしいですが、彼を育てたブーレーズはまた良いなと思いました。藤倉さんとは少しTwitterで言葉を交わした(会ったことはありません)のですが、自分の耳(音楽の聴き方)がいかに19世紀の”クラシック的なもの”に縛られているか、現代音楽に対して固定観念で”判断”していないか考えさせられました。そして下記、インタビューの動画を視て、やはり他者に向かって開かれていること(開いていること)の重要性について示唆されました。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmRZ25Wcjic&si=2mlrP2v9YoP2w4sA&fbclid=IwAR2vDdTUi1n3lU-YQtNovdFTYh--JsgMNJ0paZsPUakKFRbnoiYqwg1kgF4