







I did a small lecture entitled “beginner’s composition” to my private music students today. It was my first attempt after a long period of a thought process.

Overall I think it went well despite a fear that it may have been too difficult for some. Not one of the participants were specialist in the area, but it never reduced my passion as what lies in between music as a speciality and the common audience is what I’ve been most concerned about.

That is because I’m a local music teacher who deals most of the time with non-professionals, but also because the audience聴衆 (and lack of it) has been a central theme since music began to acquire complexity from around the beginning of 20th century. 

To skip all my points and jumping to conclusion, I believe, at least if not professionally earning income as a researcher, a creator should take into consideration the “dehumanizing aspect of professionalism”. I don’t agree that professional creators should level down when speaking to common people (the idea of making hierarchy out of it is already problematic), but that music should be inquired as a humanity人文学的 subject.

I suppose, at least for now, my desire to connect to a broader society and therefore to find the meaning of music in it is greater than securing my personal space only for creativity outputs.